Today is 20 years since I graduated from high school, 42 years since my mom and dad got married, and 15 years since I graduated with my BA. I always like May 30th. It just sounds like a good day!
We only have about 5 of each class left until the end of the school year. Can I get an "Oh Yeah!" - "Oh Yeah!" Don't get me wrong, I love my job but the end of the year is just the best thing ever! Everything starts to wind down. I have less marking and I get things done around my house.

I finished painting my scrapbook room last night and then got the underlay down for the flooring. I am hoping to lay the floor tonight while Aaron is umpiring. Saturday is grad so I won't be able to do anything then but on Sunday I want to head down to Home Depot and maybe Ikea to look for the cabinetry. I know exactly what I want so hopefully it won't be too hard. Installing it might be interesting but hopefully I can enlist the help of Dave. It will be so nice to get the room done so I can use it again. I have been itching to scrapbook more but with all my supplies in boxes in the family room and spare bedroom, it makes it a little difficult. With my luck, I will just get the room the way I want it and Aaron will get one of the admin. jobs he has applied for. LOL I am going to use orange gerber daisies as accents in the room. I think it will look so cool against the blue.
The kids have been driving me crazy with their cell phones lately! They are texting each other during class and phones are ringing during class time. The saddest part is that most of the calls are coming from parents. What is wrong with these people? I have posted signs outside my class room that say "Cell Phone Free Zone" "Use it, and you WILL lose it!" Not that it seems to be making much of a difference.
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