Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thoughts on turning 41

• being 40 wasn't so bad - especially when polite people say I don't look 40

• what does 40 look like anyway?

• having a baby makes you feel younger - and apparently look younger to others

• I can hopefully retire in 16 years which means I have been a teacher longer than I have left to work!

• I still like getting presents even though I say it doesn't matter

• I keep thinking about my mom at this age - what was she like? what did she look like? - I was 17 and just graduating from high school when my mom was 41 but I remember her as she was the last few years she was alive not as she was then

• my dad never made it to 41 so I guess I'm lucky!

• I am sad that Aaron will be away again for my birthday/our 12th anniversary - I know he feels bad too.

• I think I am going to stop volunteering my age and just let people think what they want to think

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mickey body parts book

I made this really cool Mickey Mouse body parts book tonight. I saw it on the Two Peas in a Bucket web site. The lady who made it gave awesome instructions and it turned out really cool! The photos are from the lady who designed it but mine looks exactly the same.

Friday, July 24, 2009

JK Wedding Entrance Dance

OK, I'm totally in to posting stuff from YouTube right now. This makes me want to get married again - to Aaron of course - just so we could do this. He would love it - not that he likes attention or anything.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

LOVE STORY (Taylor Swift) meets VIVA LA VIDA (Coldplay) - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

This is such a good video. I could listen to it over and over. Very cool!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Disney album DONE!

I finally finished our 2007 trip to Disneyland scrapbook! Yipee!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Missing Arden

I am missing her soooooo much. I am sure she is having a blast at camp but I miss my baby..... I have been away from her many times before but this is the first time she is away from me. I totally didn't expect to miss her this much. I sent her a card today and an e-mail. 3 more sleeps till she is home again.!

On the upside - Aaron went birthday/anniversary shopping today. I have wanted a family ring since Lily was born but thought they were really ugly when I checked them out - pearl, topaz and 2 peridot don't really go together very well. I hinted that 4 diamonds might be nice. He went to Lee's Jewelers in Abbotsford today! I am such a diamond girl - lucky me to have a husband who likes to spoil me!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Camp Squeah tomorrow

Arden is off to Camp Squeah tomorrow for a week. She is very nervous. I bribed her a bit by saying I would give her $5 for our holiday if she didn't cry. Hopefully it works! I know she will have a good time, she is just nervous because she has never gone away for a week without us. She has been away from us for that long when we went to New York and PEI and I have been away from her when I went to Scotland and Ottawa. She has always been with family though so it is a bit scary for her. I hope she has so much fun that the time flies by. I also hope she will want to go again next year - that is the best way to know she had a good time.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

summer cont.

It has been a bit slower this week.

• Arden has been doing awesome in swimming lessons! A former student is her instructor and she likes that. She is in with kids at a higher level and she is doing as well as them

• starting to gather stuff for Arden to go to camp Squeah. I hope she enjoys it as much as I want her to. We got her a headlamp today which she thinks is pretty cool

• Aaron is coming home tonight and then we are going to watch him tomorrow. I also want to go get the new stroller on the way

• I'm bummed that the adhesive refills I had my friend order for me were the wrong ones. I was sure I told her the right number of my large sticker maker - there's $30 down the drain! I will stop at Michael's tomorrow to get the right ones. oh, I better print off a coupon!

• I finished a really good book - The Book of Negroes - and am now reading The Flying Troutmans - I love summer reading!

• I am really looking forward to our family holiday. I hope I can also get some nice clothes for back to school.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Makin' the most of summer

So far it has been a busy summer. I am loving every minute of it. There is something so gratifying about making the most of your time. So far we have...

• visited Fort Langley - loved being able to touch and "play" with stuff. I also love the town itself - neat shops and good food.

• stayed over in Vancouver and saw the Jonas Brothers

• went to Granville Island on Canada Day

• visited with Mom and Dad Poulin

• visited with Nijhoffs as they head out on their 7 month adventure

• went to Casa del Rudance for a swimming and good company

• went to Hope Flight Fest and Arden got to go up in a small plane with some of the other cubs.

• I have also read quite a bit - loving The Book of Negroes right now

• we are also enjoying being able to go for bike rides now that Lily is big enough for her helmet - we went over to the Links tonight - had to walk back up the hill past Hazlewoods though - man, I'm out of shape (but Arden couldn't do it either)

• we are surviving without Aaron - but it is only day 2 - the sad part is we have to do it again at the beginning of August - I think I will NEED a nice piece of jewelry on our vacation to "make up" for all of the single parenting.

• tomorrow we are off to Crosgreys for a swim in the afternoon and next week Arden starts swimming lessons.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Jonas Brothers' concert

I took Arden to this concert and it was awesome! We met up with Brooklyn and Sonya from Houston and had a fun day of shopping and then the concert. It was a great show! I was very impressed. Jordan Sparks opened for them and she was great too - I love her Tatoo song and her new one Battlefield.