Sunday, November 02, 2008

Wedding dress

Well, after 11 years I have decided to sell my wedding dress. I love it so much but it is just silly to keep lugging it around and storing it. Arden and Lily will probably never want to wear it as they will want their own tastes to be reflected in their dress. I paid $1200 for the dress when it was new and I am asking $600 for it on Craigslist. Hopefully I will get some interest. If not I will just keep posting it. There might be more interest after Christmas (a popular time for engagements) or even in the spring. We'll just have to wait and see.
Lily is having a cranky day today. She just won't go down for her nap. I want to get that puppet theatre made today but of course I can't get her to cooperate. Off to soothe her now.

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