Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's Wednesday!

I have been working a tonne lately. I'm starting to feel like a full time staff member at my new HSS home. Being a TOC definitely has its perks and perrils. I like not having any prep work and that my marking is limited to some short assignments or quizes in class. The tough part is the students who like to take advantage and not really having a class to call my own. Most of the students have been great and my 14 years of experience has come in very handy. I now truly appreciate how lucky I was to get a job right out of university and not have to TOC then. I think it would have been a lot tougher. I am on my fifth day straight of working and I have one more day this week and then I am taking Friday off. Aaron is going to have to start doing some stuff around the house as I can't keep up with everything there too.

The sun is shining again today and the snow is almost all gone from the roads. What a dirty mess it leaves behind. You can really see how much sand and gravel they put on the roads in the winter. There are some pretty serious pot holes as well.

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