Saturday, May 16, 2009

Scrappins' more fun without kids

Had HL and BR over to scrapbook today. The three girls and Lily were here too. HL and I didn't get as much done as we would have liked as the girls needed our constant attention. Arden was being rude to her friend - not sure why - but I was very disappointed in her. She needs to learn about being more gracious and a better hostess.

It was fun to have my scrapping friends over though. It always brings out my inner Martha Stewart. I made muffins and a fruit platter for the morning, then we had shrimp melts and tomato and boccaccini salad for lunch. For dinner we had lemon and thyme roasted chicken with potato salad and cucumber salad. The cucumber salad was especially good. We had bumbleberry pie for dessert.

I did get quite a few pages done for my Disney album. All I have left are the photos from Universal Studios. Then I have to embellish the pages. Arden is spending the day with Jolena and her grandparents tomorrow so I am hopping to at least get the last of the photo onto pages and maybe even start the embellishing. Oh, did I mention Aaron is in Victoria for the weekend to the 20th Annual Umpire Tournament so I am on my own.

Because the girls were coming over today I did get the house cleaned on Friday which always feels good. Lily was great today, even had 2 naps - even if they were a little shorter than usual. I am so appreciating her better sleep patterns lately.

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