As 2009 draws closer I have been thinking about resolutions. Like most people I rarely keep my resolutions...
Side note - I cut my thumb badly yesterday on the new mandolin I got for Christmas and it hurts like hell every time I hit the space bar.

This year I would like to keep my resolutions. I think I just want to work on bettering myself and the life I am leading. I don't think I will make resolutions like "lose 10 (ok 30) pounds" or "scrapbook something every week," although those are things I would really like to do. I think instead I will go for more general yet achievable resolutions. I want to make better use of my time everyday. I want to improve my relationships with people. I want to be more patient with my eldest daughter. I think I want to be more "real", I'm not totally sure what I mean by that but it's just a feeling I have. My health and scrapbooking also need to be part of my 2009 plan. I think that if I work on the time issue other things will fall into place. I think writing about things here will also be helpful. Only time will tell.
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