Monday, June 12, 2006

The last week!

Feeling excited, happy and nervous today. It is the last week of classes and I can't stop smiling - love this feeling! I am getting caught up on my marking so things are starting to come together. I am feeling nervous because Smithers called to check on Aaron's references this morning. His VP told them "you have to meet this guy." The next step will hopefully be an interview. I have wanted to move for a long time - I am so ready for change, but then reality starts to set in. It feels so safe here. What if he gets the job? My mind has been racing all morning. When would we move? Would we buy or rent? What about stuff I have planned for the fall - CSLC in New Brunswick, CKC in Bellevue, BCSLC in Mission? Will the district give us a leave or will we have to quit out right? What about Grandma? What about other family? We would be so far away. I know I am putting the cart before the horse, but that is where my mind is today.

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