Well, I have officially jumped on the blog bandwagon. I have never been much of a journaler but always wished I was so perhaps this will be the answer.
Today is my Grandma's 85th birthday. It feels like a big deal because she is all I have left since my mom died last year and my other grandma died at Christmas in 2004. Grandma doesn't have any short term memory but she always knows who I am when I visit so that is all that really matters. I took her a plant with pretty pink flowers.
Arden starts swimming lessons again today. She is having private lessons this time as we would really like her to be able to swim before summer rolls around. She loves the water and Avard will be her instructor and she LOVES! him.
My scrapbooking room is starting to take shape. I am so excited! It will be awesome once it is done. Colin and Bill came and did the drywall this weekend and are coming back on Saturday to sand and mud again. Once that is done it will be time to paint! I think I am going to do the walls a blue colour but quite strong. I really want the room to pop! We are going to put laminate flooring in as well. After the paint and flooring it will be off to Hope Depot or Ikea to see about counters and cupboards. I really am inspired to scrapbook right now and it is a pain in the butt not having the space to do it.

Scrapbooking is my passion! I am constantly thinking about it. I wish I could open a scrapbook store and spend my life being more creative. I love it that much. At least I get to do a bit at school but it is not enough.
Aaron and I are off to New York next week. We are going to celebrate his 40th birthday! Man that sounds old! We are going to see two Yankees games and Rent on Broadway. I am too excited for words. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
Not bad for a first post. I think I can get into this blogging thing!
Remember, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm!" Ralph Waldo Emerson
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