Wednesday, February 11, 2009


OK, so I have this tooth problem. It started on the weekend. When I eat or drink something hot I just about hit the roof. The problem is I can't isolate which tooth it is. I went to the dentist today and there is nothing on the x-ray. We think we have pinpointed the tooth but now he put some sensitivity stuff on it to see if it helps. If not, .... root canal... AHHHHHH. It is my second from last molar on the bottom right and apparently there are three nerves in that tooth. It takes about and hour and a half for a root canal. I am afraid to eat or drink anything hot right now. The dentist said it really doesn't hurt once the freezing is done but an hour and a half with my mouth open - and that sound - I dread the sound of that drill already. I am strong, I am strong, I am strong.....

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