Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Break?!

Well, if it was a 'normal' year, today would be the first day of spring break. This is only noteworthy because we woke up to more snow this morning. Nothing really significant, but snow none-the-less. Lucky for us, the school district has decided to join spring break with Easter so that we can have 2 weeks off, so our spring break isn't for another two weeks. Hopefully the weather will perk up by then.

Crosgreys were supposed to visit this week but the heavens were working against us. Between sketchy weather and the slides up the Fraser Canyon, we decided it was best they not come. I had a good hour plus phone conversation with Theresa yesterday, which was really nice. We are going to have dinner with them when we are through Hope over Easter.

I had a really blah weekend. I think I have a bit of the blues lately. I'm not really sure why. I think it is partly due to feeling unimortant - at home, and with no 'real' job. In my old life I was important, especially in my job, so it helped me to feel good about myself. That part is missing now. I think I also need some romance. Perhaps I will need to instigate that myself. hmmm...

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